Making Puck: Stuffed Shells Edition

Stuffed ShellsIt may come as a surprise to our dozen(s) of loyal readers out there, but we MYFO writers have other interests and obligations other than providing you the best hockey content available on these here internets. For example, I enjoy latch-hooking and macramé. Actually, I don’t really enjoy those activities – but along with my fellow writers, sometimes do we have prior commitments that need attending to before we can do what we truly love – heavily laying on the sarcasm in our witty little posts that you readers cannot live without. On that note, I apologize for the late posting of today’s Making Puck. I had to prepare a Stuffed Shells With Arrabbiata Sauce dish for a soirée my wife is attending this evening. A husband’s work is never done…anyhoo, the results from last night: Continue reading